Our Story
Hi my name is Jared, I am the founder of Radical Dad Lifeware. Our goal is to encourage men around the world to be radically present in their kids lives. Additionally we aim to show that any man can step up and be a father figure for those children whom have been left without one. For years I have seen fathers who are either physically or emotionally unavailable, and the effects it has had on their children. After my wife and I found out we were pregnant I made a promise to be a present and active dad, a Rad Dad. With this commitment I have found times that I myself fell short, I put too much time into work, or my hobbies and left my son knocking at my door asking to come in. That's the moment I decided to go above and beyond, to learn as much as I can about being a father and to find ways to include my son in my daily routine. Through books, podcast and great mentors I have found many ways to improve, and my aim is to help share those lessons I have learned through the Radical Dad brand. My hope is that men every where will step up and choose to be a Rad Dad, for the sake of our children and their future.